chemical compound, any substance composed of identical molecules consisting of atoms of two or more chemical elements.
All the matter in the universe is composed of the atoms of more than 100 different chemical elements, which are found both in pure form and combined in chemical compounds. A sample of any given pure element is composed only of the atoms characteristic of that element, and the atoms of each element are unique. For example, the atoms that constitute carbon are different from those that make up iron, which are in turn different from those of gold. Every element is designated by a unique symbol consisting of one, two, or three letters arising from either the current element name or its original (often Latin) name. For example, the symbols for carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are simply C, H, and O, respectively. The symbol for iron is Fe, from its original Latin name ferrum. The fundamental principle of the science of chemistry is that the atoms of different elements can combine with one another to form chemical compounds. Methane, for example, which is formed from the elements carbon and hydrogen in the ratio four hydrogen atoms for each carbon atom, is known to contain distinct CH4 molecules. The formula of a compound—such as CH4—indicates the types of atoms present, with subscripts representing the relative numbers of atoms (although the numeral 1 is never written).
Ceramic tumbling media offers an effective all-purpose mass finishing material that can be used for everything from cleaning and surface preparation to removing tool marks from cast or machined parts and components. Ceramic deburring, polishing and tumbling media is available in a wide variety of materials such as aluminum oxide, silicate, silicon carbide and tin oxide.
The relatively high density of these materials ensures remarkable finishing and grinding performance on all types of workpieces.
he use of plastic media blasting was originally fostered by the military to replace toxic chemical strippers for the stripping of aircraft and aerospace components. Up until the early 1980’s, the most common method of paint removal was chemical stripping. Plastic media blasting offered major improvements in environmental and worker safety; provided significant operational savings; and quickly became a preferred method of paint and coatings removal. Blasting with plastic media provides operators with the ability to remove paint and coatings from aluminium and steel, without warping, marring or pitting surfaces; or damaging mechanical functions, bearings or seals. Plastic media leaves surfaces stripped smooth for new paint and coating applications. Hard abrasives such as sand, steel shot and aluminum oxide can damage surfaces, however, plastic blast media offers excellent solutions for efficient paint removal without damaging even delicate surfaces when using recommended blast parameters.