To prevent the onset of fermentation and degenerative phenomena that can generate from the moisture naturally present in the cereal, it’s necessary to treat the crops in order to remove the excess moisture.
Thanks to drying, the correct shelf life of the grain is guaranteed, and the cereal can be prepared for subsequent processing. At the time of harvesting, the humidity inside the cereal can typically vary from 17% to a maximum of 40%, while for selling the safety limit is typically between 13 and 14%. This level guarantees the higher shelf life by preventing crop degeneration mechanisms.
The Centrifugal Dryers are basically a spin dryer. They are typically used when parts are being processed in bulk. The parts may be placed into an appropriate size basket that then is inserted into the dryer. The dryer is then closed, turned on and spins the basket at a very high speed to force any liquid, oil, etc. to leave the part. Along with the spinning action drying the parts, an optional heater can be installed to offer adequate time in drying the samples.
The dryer burns maize cobs as its main heat source, given that cobs are available on farm and at little to no cost. The heat and smoke produced from burning the maize cobs passes through the heat exchange of the Machine and then out the chimney. A second fan, powered by 5 liters of petrol per day, pushes clean air through alternative channels in the heat exchange.
Vibratory tumblers are generally faster in polishing a given load of material than a rotary tumbler, but actual time can vary from one day for a final polish on a preform to several weeks on hard-to-polish stones when starting from scratch.